Mining Technology Park Großpösna
The Mining Technology Park presents the complete production cycle of an opencast lignite mine in an exciting arc.
The Leipzig Neuseenland is a direct result of centuries of extraction, refinement and use of lignite. The Mining Technology Park in Großpösna tells of this history.
The last witnesses of this era, a belt spreader and a bucket wheel excavator, form the basis of the park. As a place of living history and the memory of the technological work process of an open pit mine, the park inspires its visitors and will be further developed as a living museum.
5.4 hectare park
two large machines from the former Espenhain open pit mine
Bucket wheel excavator 1547: weight of 1,300 tons, built in 1985
Belt conveyor excavator 1115: weighing 2,400 tons, built in 1986