Zeitgenössische Geschichten an 18 Hörstationen
Zwölf ehemalige Arbeiterinnen und Arbeiter aus Bitterfeld und Wolfen wurden an ihren früheren Arbeitsplätzen im Tagebau, im Chemiekombinat und der Filmfabrik Wolfen über ihre Berufe und Erfahrungen interviewt. Ausschnitte dieser Interviews sind nun an gleicher Stelle über einen QR-Code mit dem Mobiltelefon abrufbar.
Die Hörstationen sind mit Schildern gekennzeichnet und können ideal mit dem Fahrrad erkundet werden.
FERROPOLIS - the city of iron - is an industrial museum on a peninsula in Lake Gremmin near Gräfenhainichen.
Piesteritz factory housing estate
From 1916 to 1919, the New Building movement at the beginning of the 20th century left impressive stone traces in Piesteritz, which has been part of Wittenberg since 1951.
Wolfen Industrial and Film Museum
The museum commemorates what was once the second largest film factory in the world, where AGFA or ORWO films were produced.
Vockerode power station
The historic industrial monument forms an exciting visual contrast to the surrounding nature of the Middle Elbe Biosphere Reserve.
Factory housing estate Zschornewitz
In the immediate vicinity of the site of what was once the world's largest and most modern lignite-fired power plant.
Bitterfeld Water Center
The disused former Bitterfeld waterworks directly on the B 100 opposite the Goitzsche is now an information and education center on the subject of water.
Palace of Culture Bitterfeld
The imposing neoclassical building is an architectural landmark and also has supraregional significance in its history.
Irene Fahrrad Haus
Bucket wheel excavator SRs6300
The 17-meter-high, 180-ton bucket wheel of what was once the largest excavator of its type is a contemporary witness from the Breitenfeld open pit mine.
Leipzig Schleußig and Plagwitz
According to the UNESCO list, Schleußig and Plagwitz are among the largest industrial area monuments in European cities.
Mining Technology Park Großpösna
The Mining Technology Park presents the complete production cycle of an opencast lignite mine in an exciting arc.
Lippendorf power plant
In the information center of the modern coal-fired power plant, interested guests can learn more about power generation.
United Schleenhain open pit mine
A lookout point offers visitors a view over the vast open pit area of the active Schleenhain open pit mine.